You're surrounded by mountains of laundry. You just changed your fifth dirty diaper of the day. You're wearing spit-up on your shoulder and sporting dark circles under your eyes from months of sleep deprivation.
You are hanging on by a very thin thread. You fear that at any second you could end up curled in the fetal position in a Pack-n-Play, mumbling the lines to "Good Night, Moon" and shoveling goldfish crackers into your mouth.
You've been entrusted with the awesome responsibility of growing another human being (!) and you feel like you could break down at any second. You're charged with keeping the riches of the universe safe, and you're as sturdy and secure as a cardboard box (2 Corinthians 4:7).
Yet, day after day, menial task after menial task, you accomplish your mission. You're beat down, but you're still at it, pouring life into your little ones.
Don't despair! Your efforts are not in vain! Let's help each other recognize how brief this time of insanity is in our lives so that we can enjoy our kids when they're little.
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