Remember that cute little puppy in 101 Dalmations who was always informing his mother that he was hungry? Somehow, his character isn't as amusing now that non-animated beings assail us mommies all day long, quoting his lines and fixating on two words in particular:
"Mommy! Hungry!"
Children eat like hobbits; they think that they require six meals a day. So, that means that as soon as you've cleaned up breakfast, the clamoring for "second breakfast" begins. And so on and so forth all day long until dinnertime, which is usually when the appetites of young children suddenly evaporate, and food (especially of the green vegetable variety) becomes their worst enemy.
Whether we like it or not, our kids are going to look to us as their source of nourishment. (Nursing mommies literally are their kid's food source). Even when it seems impossible to supply their insatiable demands, it's up to us to give them something to eat.
We scan labels for words like "organic" and "high fructose corn syrup." We cut grapes into eighths. We wipe yogurt off leather upholstery. We trim crusts off bread (even when we swore we would never do that for our kids).
Day in and day out, we combat hunger. We are thankful that we are blessed with the means to fight this battle successfully.
Someday our kids will discover they can find food elsewhere. Let's appreciate the time we have right now to feed them ourselves.
Break out the Cheerios, rip open some goldfish crackers, and raise your Dixie cups of watered-down apple juice: here's to all you mommies who answer the call of little tummies! They'll be out of your kitchen before you know it, so, "bon appetit."
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"Mommy! Hungry!"
Children eat like hobbits; they think that they require six meals a day. So, that means that as soon as you've cleaned up breakfast, the clamoring for "second breakfast" begins. And so on and so forth all day long until dinnertime, which is usually when the appetites of young children suddenly evaporate, and food (especially of the green vegetable variety) becomes their worst enemy.
Whether we like it or not, our kids are going to look to us as their source of nourishment. (Nursing mommies literally are their kid's food source). Even when it seems impossible to supply their insatiable demands, it's up to us to give them something to eat.
We scan labels for words like "organic" and "high fructose corn syrup." We cut grapes into eighths. We wipe yogurt off leather upholstery. We trim crusts off bread (even when we swore we would never do that for our kids).
Day in and day out, we combat hunger. We are thankful that we are blessed with the means to fight this battle successfully.
Someday our kids will discover they can find food elsewhere. Let's appreciate the time we have right now to feed them ourselves.
Break out the Cheerios, rip open some goldfish crackers, and raise your Dixie cups of watered-down apple juice: here's to all you mommies who answer the call of little tummies! They'll be out of your kitchen before you know it, so, "bon appetit."
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