Housework stinks. It's unpleasant, time-consuming, and never-ending.
And, in a cruel twist of irony, the act of cleaning makes you dirty.
You can bet none of us is going to look back from her deathbed and declare, "I wish I would have spent more time cleaning my house."
Yet, we all want to provide a lovely home for our families, the kind of place that will make our kids say, "I'd rather spend time in this house than anywhere else" (Psalm 84:10). We want to create a space where peace and love reign supreme, a refuge where children can be who they truly are and be nurtured to reach their fullest potential.
Does this type of "home" require awesome interior decorating? Not really.
But it should probably be a place where you don't contract a bacterial infection when using the bathroom. And a place where it's possible to find a set of matching shoes in less than an hour. And a place where you can walk across a room without the risk of having a Lego and/or action figure embedded in your foot.
The constant scrubbing, organizing, and picking-up that we do as mommies is no fun, but the act of making a home for our kids is totally worth the effort. Along with complaining to each other about our housework, let's encourage each other to cherish this time when our kids are still at home with us.
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